发布时间:2018/11/22 11:00:57 浏览次数: 5274



      很高兴和大家共事已有3年时间,这就证明时光的确过地很快。在这一期间非常欣慰我们ADC 在Dato Henry的领导下,俨然就像一个大家庭,充分体现出团结就是力量,所以目前的ADC我们很强大!在这里我对ADC在未来的发展作一个规划:

I am very glad I have already been working with you three years which proves that time flies indeed. I feel very comforting we works as a big family with cooperative spirit under the leadership of Dato Henry, so currently our ADC is very strong! Here I want to make a strategic plan for ADC’s future cooperation plan.

1、组建ADC 的亚巡赛,在这一点上我们已经有了中国、马来西亚、新加坡、台北、澳门、香港甚至菲律宾和印度尼西亚都具备举办国际比赛的历史条件和能力,我们需要在亚巡赛的基础上作出一个世巡赛的战略规划,这也是前年我们全体ADC的共识。

1. To set up ADC Tour, our member country China, Malaysia, Singpour , Taibei, Macao, HongKong, even Philipine and Indonesia and so on, we all have the historical records and ability to orgainize international competition, we need to make a World Tour strategic plan based on Asian Tour, this is also our ADC member’s common thoughts a year ago.


2. we need to fully respect the rights all ADC member countries have, including delegating the competition to member countries, invitation, support and recognition of the competition and so on….. Completely reflect our ADC is an international organization with plans and respects of rules with team spirit.

3、从lsao 先生(日本中川先生)领导下的ADC,十几年都没有正规注册(仅仅是世界舞蹈总会(WDC)的一个部门),而我们共同领导下的ADC,已经完成在中国香港注册的,所以现在的ADC是具有独立法人资格注册的最正规的亚洲舞蹈国际组织。

ADC was not officially registered under the leadership of Isao for decades. But when it comes to involvements of all members as a “leadership” together, ADC has registered in HongKong, which means at current status, ADC is regular Asian Dance International organization with legal registration.


China, as the member country of ADC, has taken on relative amount of membership fee for all Asian member countries and fully show responsibility as a dancing country. In 2019 China will still take this responsibility for us to support the development of all Asian member countries.

5、在这里特别宣布一条消息,lsao 先生(日本中川先生)在过去的十几年为ADC和WDC作了很多事情,但很遗憾他现在不是我们的WDC副主席了,感谢他在过去为我们所做的贡献。我相信在Dato Henry领导下的ADC一定更团结,更好,更强!让我们共同努力为ADC、为亚洲舞蹈事业的发展作出应有的贡献。

I want to make an announcement here, Isao has done many thing for ADC and WDC over the past decade, but very pity that he is not the vice-president of WDC anymore. We appreciate the contributions he has done for us in the past. I believe ADC will be more united, better and stronger! Let’s contribute and strive for the future development of ADC and Asian Dance field.
